How to start work out what you want (and so get more clarity on your future direction)

After coaching, reigniting and listening to the challenges of others, it has become apparent that one of the most challenging things people face is knowing what they really want.

Having practices to bring clarity to our desires and preferences is one of the most underrated skills of our time. It breeds more confidence and inner contentment. It reduces comparison and improves our immunity to societal pressure.

Unfortunately, this health-boosting activity gets bumped from the to-do list day after day...

Because it's hard, uncomfortable, and involves difficult decision making

  • The paradox of choice is everywhere. How to choose from a list of endless possibilities?

  • When we decide or commit to something, we inevitably have to let go of other options. Hello, fear and doubt!

  • Some okay opportunities come along and pave the way for a while...

So try these practices to beat the inertia and bring about more clarity...

Practice 1: Ask ‘What you want?’ as a daily (but light-hearted) habit

The temptation is to try to figure out what you want in one go, but this fails to consider our daily temperament. It's much more effective to take 10mins a day to lightly ponder 'What would be cool?' without too much pressure.

Practice 2: Collect a raw data set on you

Your main currency needs to be new learning about you. To do that you need data. To collect data you need experiments. Now is the time to sign up for new classes, push to try new tasks at work, and explore by doing rather than reading.

Practice 3: Intentionally make quicker decisions on smaller stuff

One of the ways you figure out what you want is to experience what you don't. Start practicing quicker decision-making on the smaller things like what to have as a starter or dare I say it, what to watch on Netflix!

These are just starters in a bigger process, but try them out and notice what happens.


How to think through longer-term career moves with these 4 possibility brainstorms


Vision, mission and values: Get clarity on what you stand for and make it happen