Reignite your sense of purpose.

Revitalise where, how and what you want to contribute to the world.

  • Have you achieved a level of success, but are wondering now what?

  • Has your current work or business turned into a game you aren’t sure you want to play anymore?

  • Not sure what you really want but know it needs to feel more purposeful?

  • Lots of ideas, but feeling somewhat unfocussed?

Laura will help you put your vision into manageable action-based steps, all the while offering great advice to keep you on track. She is a pleasure to have on your side.
— Belouis Archer, Creator

What People Are Saying

Initially, I was just pleased with myself for having made a decision to do something positive. Then I started to feel like I was actually heading in the right direction. Then all of a sudden I had an actual plan, with steps and goals and deadlines. 

A surprising result is a new-found confidence in stating my dreams/goals/aspirations without shame or embarrassment. Honestly, Laura is like a bloody magician. She will sort you out!

— Anna, Self-employed creative

“I was in a pretty confused state before I started with Laura. She helped immediately where I was able to gain clarity, perspective and belief in what I was trying to achieve. Her support and insights have been extremely positive where I’ve built a successful business. I can highly recommend her - I feel a lot better overall and I can see the results”

— Simon, Serial entrepreneur

The process was stimulating, engaging, challenging and fun. The tasks I was challenged to complete were creative and allowed me to ‘think big’ about my career aspirations. Laura is great at encouraging you to shoot for the stars. 

It was the best decision I’ve made. I now have a positive outlook regarding navigating my career direction and am inspired to take things forward with a renewed sense of ambition and aspiration.

— Tom, Department Head of History

Your Reignite Journey.

  1. Process.

Whether it's a burnout, a loss of motivation or a questioning - chances are there's a mountain of wisdom in where you've been. Uncovering where values have changed, what motivations have shifted and how you have evolved is key to the re-ignition journey. This is the time to recalibrate on your strengths, preferences and mindset.

2. New Sparks.

Be it new business ideas, alternative careers or the configuration of your lifestyle and work, it's time to get all options them all out on the table and work things through. Here you examine and stress-test against the shackles of expectation, cultural norms and unmet needs so that you get to the core of what you want and uncover the next source of buzzing energy.

3. Nurture the flame.

The hardest part of the journey is now complete - finding the new spark and setting it off. It's now a question of keeping up your energy and momentum maintained in a way that lets enough air get to your new vision, without blowing everything out. Steady support, sustainable plans and the building of integrity with yourself are key to success.

Laura helped me to identify my real values and drivers; provided thought-provoking insight; posed the right questions; and offered support on practical solutions to my sticking points. All without judgement or condescension. In particular, I feel that she respected the complexity of my interpersonal relationships, which in turn encouraged me to stop minimising my own wants and needs in favour of others. This was a key turning point in my progress.
— Susan, Professional looking to reignite confidence

The Reignite Method.

  • Intrinsic alignment and direction

    Society leads us to be influenced by extrinsic measures of success that can leave us feeling empty. Reginite takes you on a journey to intrinsically realign yourself whilst recognising all your needs. The world needs you to go inwards to create impact.

  • Consistent experimentation = Clarity

    Discovery and understanding comes from movement and momentum. The Reignite programme gets you moving and with a mechanism to rapidly test and experiment, for maximum clarity and breakthroughs. We may not know all your answers yet, but we get you there.

  • Your mind. Regprogrammed.

    The saboteurs, the doubts and the imposter syndrome – our fears are ulitmately there to keep us safe, but often keep us from the deeper purpose we’re seeking. Thinking habits develop like any other habits do, so Reignite makes sure you’re the developing resourceful ones.

The Reignite programme is 4-6 months long depending on where you are starting from and how much time you have available to take action.

You can apply for a free 45 min discovery session to learn more about how the programme works and to understand if it will help you successfully.

“Working with Laura has been a pleasure from the beginning. I was at a sticky crossroads in my career and she helped me find a new direction. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to form a clear direction on their career path, at whatever stage they are at.”

— Marketing Manager, Global IT Firm

As a perfectionist and someone who can be hard on myself I was reluctant to reach out for career guidance as I believed I should know the answers myself. Laura took me on a journey I would never have done on my own through breaking down the process, asking the right questions and helping me see things from a different perspective. 

For anyone who is like me, I would encourage you to let go of knowing what the finished result will be and trust in Laura’s process, knowledge and skills to help you incrementally learn more about yourself and gain clarity about where you want to be.

— Researcher, Now working in a Mental Health Charity

I started working with Laura with nothing more than a vague dream about inventing some kind of environmentally friendly product. I had a list of about 100 random ideas but nothing concrete at all.

Laura is extremely talented, she gets results with a seemingly effortless approach, the sessions are always stimulating, motivating, productive and enjoyable.

She helped me establish exactly what my goals were very very quickly. It seems so simple and so obvious looking back but I could not have done it on my own.

— Simon Winter, Sustainability Entrepreneur

I've found Laura very warm, kind and easy to get on with, which meant we could get going on things straight away. I trust completely that she has my best interests at heart and will challenge me skillfully to bring the best out of myself. I looked for support because I wanted to capitalise on my career to date and bring value to the world, whilst being self-employed. With Laura's guidance, I've begun that journey. I feel more confident than ever that my career will evolve in a way that plays to my strengths and brings the most benefit to others.

— Will, Holistic Health Coach

Working with Laura to start up my new business was amazing. She was so informative and supportive. I do not think I would have had the confidence to start this business without her support and knowledge. I highly recommend her.

Parm Dlay, Health Entrepreneur